Electromagnetic flowmeters SITRANS FM MAGFLO
- When measuring the flow of electrically conductive liquids, electromagnetic flowmeters have become the most widespread, as they have the best price/ quality ratio, accuracy and stability of measurements. MAGFLO flowmeters are designed to measure the volume flow of electrically conductive liquids.
- The scope of their application is extremely wide: clean water, waste water, food liquids (milk, beer, wine, etc.), chemical liquids (acids, alkalis, salt solutions, etc.). Flow measurement in explosive zones.
- The type of medium is any conductive liquid (conductivity is more than 5 microns / cm), The presence of a cleaning unit allows you to use MAGFLO to measure the flow of liquids that form deposits on the electrodes.
- The MASSFLO measurement principle is based on the occurrence of a phase shift in the oscillation frequency of the measuring section, as a result of the Coriolis force, which allows direct measurements of mass flow, density, Brix degrees, as well as calculating the volumetric flow rate of liquids or gases. Mass flowmeters are widely used in the petrochemical and food industries due to the highest measurement accuracy and the ability to control dosage systems.
- These instruments combine laboratory precision and the ability to measure industrial costs. The adaptive dosage function ensures a low error in the release of the required amount of the component, even in conditions of changing flow and composition of the liquid.
- MASSFLO has found application in the following industries: food industry, chemical industry, oil refining industry, pharmaceuticals. The type of medium to be measured is any liquid or gas with a density up to 2900 kg/m3 and a flow rate from 0.02 kg/hour to 510,000 kg/hour.
- They are used to measure water flow in pipelines of large diameters and non-conducting liquids.
- The installation technology allows you to mount a plug-in set of an ultrasonic flow meter without "stopping" the pipeline.
- The principle of flow measurement is based on the time-of-flight method of measuring the flow rate. SONOFLO has found its main application in accounting systems for the flow of hot or cold water, non-conductive liquids and oil, as well as when accounting for the flow in pipelines of large diameters.
- Due to the design of the flow meter, which does not use beam reflection from walls and mirrors, high noise immunity of measurements, high accuracy and reproducibility of measurements are ensured. SONOFLO allows you to measure the flow of liquid with a temperature from -200 - to +200 C and flow rates from 4 m3/hour to 470,000 m3/hour.
- Ultrasonic overhead flow meters have found their main application in metering systems for the flow of liquids and gases in pressure pipelines of large diameters. The main advantages of overhead flowmeters are: "hot" installation of primary flow converters, which does not require stopping the process and tapping into the pipeline, the absence of moving parts and contact with the medium, the absence of energy losses associated with pressure drop, and influence on the flow profile.
- The flow measurement principle is based on a time-of-flight method for measuring the flow velocity, as well as a Doppler method based on measuring the reflected ultrasonic signal from particles suspended in the flow, in the case when the signal passage through the flow is difficult.
- The use of overhead ultrasonic flowmeters is the most effective solution in terms of material and time costs. The main areas of application are the oil and gas industry, hot and cold water metering systems, as well as water treatment and wastewater systems. The diameter of the measuring section of the pipeline can reach 10 meters.
- Sitrans F X vortex flowmeters use the vortex measurement principle in their work. In this case, the frequency of the appearance of vortices formed during the passage of the working medium around the body of the flow is measured. Vortices create pressure on a special sensitive wing, the movements of which are directly proportional to the flow rate. A piezoelectric quartz sensing element mounted on the wing accurately captures these vibrations and transmits the results for analysis of the electronic part of the Sitrans F X device.
- The SITRANS F X vortex flowmeter is designed to measure the volumetric and mass flow of steam, gas, conductive and non-conductive liquids by means of a single device with the possibility of temperature and pressure compensation. The device is designed to work in the following industries: Chemistry, Energy, Food production, Pharmaceuticals, Oil and gas processing.
- The SDF probe is a high-precision measuring instrument operating on the principle of creating a pressure drop between the front and back sides of the sensor, designed to determine the flow of gases, steam and liquids.
- Measurement of the flow rate of air, gases under pressure, as well as gases at high temperatures (up to 1200 ° C). Measurement of steam flow with pressure up to 180 bar and temperatures up to 560 *C. Measurements of flue gas flow, especially containing steam, pollution, aggressive components. Flow measurements of liquids with medium or low viscosity. Flow measurements in continuous processes.
The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products: pressure and temperature sensors, flow meters, level meters, positioners, electronic regulators, recorders
By implementing advanced and effective technical solutions, SITRANS SIEMENS provides its customers and partners with important competitive advantages, helping to achieve their business goals faster, more reliably and at the level of world standards.
Production of various sensors. Getting accurate information about the state of the object. Automation of various technological processes. Effective management of various units, machines, mechanisms. -
Four types of level meters are supplied according to the measurement method: radar, ultrasonic, capacitive and hydrostatic. Level detectors are divided into contact (capacitive, vibrating and rotary) and non-contact (ultrasonic). -
Production of equipment that is used to solve the tasks of dosing, weighing, level control and load measurement in various technological processes.
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